Need Help Managing Anxiety? Consider the Calming Potential of Naturally Cultivated Hemp

Mild anxiety creates an unpleasant state of inner turmoil. Even temporary symptoms triggered by common, everyday concerns can cause heart palpitations, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, and persistent feelings of impending doom. Since occasional bouts of mild anxiety are inevitable, far too many people underestimate the physical and emotional impact of mild anxiety symptoms that can last for hours, days, or weeks at a time. 

While there are several pharmaceutical options for managing symptoms, including anxiolytic and antidepressant medications, not everyone is comfortable using them. Many people prefer calming mild anxiety symptoms with natural, plant-based alternatives. Based on data collected from nearly 2000 CBDistillery™ customers, an impressive 88% report that our hemp-derived products help with mild or temporary mild anxiety. 

Why Do So Many People Struggle with Mild Anxiety? 

Mild anxiety is an apprehensive state commonly associated with stressful events, circumstances, or situations. But your brain doesn’t differentiate between your past, present, or future experiences. That means mild anxiety has the same impact on your body whether you’re remembering an upsetting argument, feel physically or emotionally threatened in the moment, or imagine something important going wrong later in the day.    

While nearly everyone experiences mild bouts of temporary mild anxiety when they’re worried about paying a bill, passing a test, or performing in front of a crowd, nearly 20 percent of the population, 1 out of every 5 people, lives with a potentially concerning mild anxiety disorder. Left untreated, symptoms can escalate, leading to isolation, depression, problems with work or school, or overwhelming fears that could affect important life decisions.1 

There are several potential causes. For some, mild anxiety symptoms suggest an underlying health concern. Thyroid problems, heart disease, medication side effects, drug or alcohol withdrawal, and chronic pain can cause mild anxiety symptoms. Current research suggests that mild anxiety disorders are often triggered by trauma or chemical imbalances in the brain. Symptoms do not discriminate by age, race, or gender and can run in families.2 

What Causes the Many Uncomfortable Symptoms of Mild Anxiety? 

The symptoms of mild anxiety are directly linked to the way your body is wired to respond to crisis, your survival instincts. The sensations commonly recognized as mild anxiety symptoms are triggered by an instantaneous reaction to any threat to your physical or emotional well-being. That natural reaction to danger initiates a release of chemicals that activate your sympathetic nervous system, the branch of your autonomic nervous system that prepares your body to flee from danger. 

As your heart rate and blood pressure increase, your muscles tense, and non-essential functions slow. Once the alarm sounds, your body remains in a state of high alert until receiving signals from your parasympathetic nervous system that the danger has passed.3 If you live with frequent bouts of mild anxiety, your body may not have the time it needs to recover from the impact of stress hormones between mild anxiety triggers. That’s why untreated mild anxiety increases your risk of digestive disorders, viral and bacterial infections, heart disease, panic disorders, and depression.4 

Why Are So Many People Calming Mild Anxiety Symptoms Naturally? 

Although there are medications that specifically target mild anxiety symptoms (anxiolytics), many healthcare providers are hesitant to prescribe them because of the high risk of chemical dependency and potential for abuse. For long-term mild anxiety treatment, doctors are more likely to prescribe antidepressants. While these medications typically work by calming overly excited nerve impulses, they are not universally effective and can cause an alarming number of side effects. Many people report drowsiness, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, and thoughts of self-harm.5 

Several mild anxiety medications can also cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when discontinued. That likely explains why a recent consumer survey shows that 74% of respondents consider natural, holistic treatments safer than conventional options.6 The search for natural alternatives leads many people to the anxiolytic potential of acupuncture, meditation, yoga, herbal remedies, and plant extracts.   

How Could Hemp Help Calm Mild Anxiety Symptoms? 

While hemp products are not a cure or treatment for mild anxiety symptoms, the oil extracted from the stalks, stems, and flowers of the plant shows considerable health and wellness potential. That potential is explained by the way specific plant elements (phytocannabinoids) interact with the receptors of the largest regulatory system in your body, your endocannabinoid system (ECS). 

Your endocannabinoid system influences nearly every essential function in your body, including the processes most impacted by stress and mild anxiety. Individual benefits from using hemp-derived tinctures, capsules, edibles, and vape products depend on which of the many processes regulated by ECS function might be restored to balance (homeostasis) through ECS support. 

Although most of the evidence supporting the use of those active plant elements for mild anxiety is based on animal studies, lab results, and a small number of clinical trials, numerous CBDistillery™ customers have also reported favorable results. 

Based on data collected from nearly 2000 survey respondents, 89% report that our hemp-derived products help calm their minds, with most preferring CBDistillery™ products over yoga (79%), meditation (82%), cigarettes (92%), and alcohol (76%) for relaxation. Our products are non-addictive, and most of our survey participants (93%) have never experienced a negative side effect.    

Could You Benefit From the Anxiolytic Potential of CBDistillery™ Products? 

Hemp products are generally well tolerated and considered safe for most adults. While well-known for their impressively low risk of side effects, the phytocannabinoids in hemp oil can interact with several over-the-counter and prescription medications. That means our products may not be right for everyone. If you have a medical condition or take medication, please discuss your options with your healthcare provider before adding hemp-derived products to your daily routine.7 

Although our survey respondents report overwhelmingly positive results using CBDistillery™ products for temporary and mild anxiety, everyone is different. The only way to know how you might benefit from one of our non-GMO, naturally cultivated hemp oil products is to try it. Our survey data shows that most respondents achieved favorable results within 7-14 days of consistent use. 

To learn more about ECS function, the health and wellness potential of hemp extracts, and our assortment of high-quality products, visit CBDistillery™. Every CBDistillery™ product is US Hemp Authority™ certified and third-party tested to ensure product quality. You can verify the purity and potency of every product we offer by reviewing the Certificate of Analysis on our product pages or scanning the QR code on your product label. 


1. Mindful Searching. (2021) Anxiety Disorder Statistics 2020 – U.S. and Worldwide. 

2. Mayo Clinic (1998-2021) Anxiety Disorders. 

3. Anxiety Centre. J Folk. (2020 November 14) Anxiety 101. 

4. Healthline. K Cherney. (2020 August 25) Effects of Anxiety on the Body. 

5. MedicineNet. C Davis. (2021) Anti-Anxiety Drugs (Anxiolytics) Side Effects, List of Names. 

6. New York Post. SWNS (2019 December 09) More and More Americans Trading in Prescription Drugs for Natural Remedies. 

7. Surgical Neurology International. J Maroon, J Bost. (2018 April 26) Review of the Neurological Benefits of Phytocannabinoids. 

